lundi 12 août 2013


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What is WhatMovie (Pro)

What should I watch tonight? No idea?
Don’t worry; WhatMovie is an app that gives you some good movies ideas!
Swipe on the screen and here come a new movie recommendation.

WhatMovie PRO edition comes with more than 1000 movies and around 20 categories.
Action, Adventure, Animation, Biography, Comedy, Crime, Documentary, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Horror, Music, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller, War, Western, etc.

The PRO version has zero ads and comes with extra movies categories.
The first one is an extra zombie movies list!

Most of movies recommendations are high rated on movies reviews or discussions forums website.
With WhatMovie, you may find some unknown but really nice movies.

In the blink of an eye, get info on IMDB about the given movie recommendation and watch the movie trailer on YouTube.
Already seen or a dislike a movie recommendation? Filter it and you will not receive it anymore.
Want only a specific movies category? Select one from the list.

WhatMovie is easy-to-use:
Swipe on movie cover: new movie recommendation
Tap on movie cover: YouTube movie trailer search
Tap on movie title bar: IMDB movie info search.
Push on left button: select a category menu
Push on the middle button: IMDB movie info search.
Push on right button: Filter the movie recommendation. 

An active Internet connection is required to download a movie’s cover and access to its IMDB info and Youtube Trailer